Those of us who live in areas with a lot of deer are used to seeing them around. But spotting a pregnant deer can be tricky. To determine whether a doe is pregnant, some background knowledge on the breeding season is helpful.
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When Do Deer Get Pregnant?

Deer reproductive cycles mostly depend on the climate. Natural selection has refined the breeding process to ensure that fawns are born in optimal conditions for survival.
In northern areas of the U.S., for example, the breeding season runs from October to January. In the southern states, deer wait until January or February to mate. Most female deer begin to breed when they are at least 1 ½ years old.
White-tailed does are polyestrous. This means that they usually go into heat multiple times during the breeding season. They are also known as short-day breeders, meaning that they begin to breed in the fall when the days are shorter.
The bulk of does go into heat beginning in November, and each heat period lasts for 24 hours. If a doe doesn’t conceive during that time frame, their cycle begins again and they go into heat around 28 days later.
How Long Do Deer Stay Pregnant?
The length of pregnancy depends on the species of deer, but most deer pregnancies last from 180-200 days. White-tailed deer, the most common deer in the U.S., are pregnant for right around 200 days.
Nature times the breeding time and gestation period perfectly to protect vulnerable fawns and support new moms. Since does mostly leave their fawns alone for the first couple of weeks of life, they need good spots to conceal their young.
When the foliage returns in the spring, there’s enough green coverage for fawns to lie undetected until their moms return. The white spots on fawns are also great for camouflage, as they resemble dappled forest sunlight.
Another reason for spring births is the nutrients that are available to the doe at that time of year. A new mom needs lots of extra nutritious plants and vegetation so that she can adequately nurse her baby and nurture her body.
Can You Tell if a Doe is Pregnant?

It can be difficult to tell when a deer is pregnant until she’s farther along. Usually, they won’t start showing until they are well into the third trimester of pregnancy.
You can assume a doe is pregnant when:
- You notice a large bulge in her lower abdomen.
- The doe is cleaning her fur frequently.
- She’s looking around a lot and tends to be on constant high alert.
- There are other pregnant females around. They often travel together while pregnant.
- It’s early spring. It’s a safe bet that most does are pregnant during this time.
Where Do Deer Go to Give Birth?

When it’s finally time to give birth, a doe will find a quiet place with plenty of tall grass and plants to conceal her. This protects her and her babies from predators and gives them time to rest. A doe usually gives birth to two fawns per breeding season.
Here’s what the birth process usually looks like:
1. The doe gets situated
She finds the perfect spot to give birth and lies on her side.
2. She gets into the birthing position
Once the fawn is partially out, the doe stands up. This way, gravity helps the baby slide out more easily.
3. The doe cares for the baby/babies
She immediately gives them their first feeding and cleans her fawns, which erases any traces of the mother’s scent. Being nearly scentless helps protect them from predators when mom leaves them.
4. The female deer moves the fawns
Once the fawns can stand up and everyone has gotten some rest, the doe moves them each to a separate, safe location.
5. The doe leaves to find food
Fawns can’t keep up with their mother during the first week or two after birth, so they stay behind while mom forages. She will return to nurse them a few times per day as long as the coast is clear.
Deer are very secretive creatures and will only give birth where they feel secure. Every so often, humans get lucky enough to witness this amazing event. Check out this video below to watch what one Youtuber witnessed when a doe chose her property to give birth.
For more articles about deer, check out this about deer and shedding antlers.
ahhhh this was amazing to watch. How special these creatures are! Thank you to people that care…..let them survive…..knowledgeable people who help when needed……try to never hurt them; they do have emotional and physical pain!!!! Animals lived in most of our areas first….we invaded.
All animals are truly special and I, like most conservationists believe in Gods creations as well as dominion to cultivate and harvest (Genesis 9:3, Deuteronomy 14, Isaiah 66, etc) anyone who murders an animal and does not use it as God designed is truly being abusive to nature but they are a good source for many of us and no one is more concerned with ethical food sources than your local hunters.
Why should humans have “dominion to cultivate and harvest?” Very top-down plantation model where others are seen as resources. There necessarily is always someone or something on the bottom to be of use to others. Precisely what is wrong in this world is this belief system that posits humans at the top of the pyramid.
When other species start making music, art, technology, philosophy, etc, then they can be at the top of the food chain. Until then, we preside.
Yes, until then humans will preside… sadly. It is also only humans who are so utterly destructive, wasteful, and take the ‘might makes right’ urge to such insane heights… or depths, I should say.
Global non-stop wars. What is the philosophy of that I wonder. Insane greed… hoarding “wealth” for no other reason but for FAKE power. We see the ugliest of ugly in humans… but we do not see the best of the best in humans.
You clearly are a human supremacist. Music and art are most certainly NOT specific to humans. The artistry found in NATURE is beyond comprehension, if one cares to look.
Humans need “technology” for so MANY things, that Animals can do naturally…… a crazy amount and variety of things that literally blow the mind, so I won’t even begin to mention any.
“Technology” is well on it’s way to destroying out once lovely Planet, and most of the creatures on it… including humans themselves. NOT so sure I would use the same human-supremacy graph that you would…..
If you knew anything about deer, you would know that over population will lead to wasting diseases and other things detrimental to their well bring. Shortage of food is another example.
To keep deer healthy and able to survive, the herd must be thinned. Remember; their natural predators (that also kill them for food) are not as numerous as they used to be. To control the number of deer in a certain state, the conservation department issues hunting licenses that limit the number of deer that can be harvested. Depending on conservation models; they even get down to the point where the licenses are limited. A hunter may get a license to only hunt a buck. Sometimes only a doe. Other than poachers (who hunters hate) killing them without limit; it is a very exacting process. The fines for poaching are sizeable.
There are many sources with the conservation department that you can learn more. Finally, if you feel that way about deer, what about turkeys, cows, fish, etc. that man uses for food? Is it because you find them pretty? That is emotional thinking, rather than logic. By the way; I find them beautiful too, and I don’t hunt, although I have many deer on my property. I just realize why it is necessary.
well “being”, sorry
Very true and well written. Thank you Sir. I wish more people understood what you wrote because it is the truth. Just one thing to add is that not all hunters who receive a tag to hunt fill those tags. In easier words, not all of the hunters who received a license to hunt any animal has killed said animal during their hunt.
Thank you again Sir.
Thank you for sharing! In Washington State the black tail deer are so numerous the state has had to start culling herds with wasting diseases, hoof rot that climbs legs & poison their systems (horrific slow deaths), and most recently they have started turning up with deadly deer wart disease- with giant black warts sizes of human fists, and these also affect fawns, older deer, and especially healthy deer- there is not a cure or way to slow it down, other than culling to try to save the healthy deer. Right now these diseases are tearing through the deer throughout the state, into Canada, etc. It is so much more responsible to manage herd sizes vs. allowing them to grow, overpopulate, and develop these strange diseases that can be passed along to other animal species (including pets & humans).
Thank you so much for sharing this video. We live in a wooded area and have seven that we feed. We are excited
To see the video.
Charlie & Betty
Since the rut for deer is November (thereabouts) and gestation is 200 days, the birth should be around Memorial Day. I had a doe in my backyard this morning showing all the signs mentioned in the article: big belly with obvious signs of movement, lying on her side, licking her fur, tail elevated when standing up. The article says the likely time is “early Spring” which doesn’t compute since Spring will be over in 3 weeks. This doe was solo, no company of other females.
Same here, I have had a single doe in my yard for several months, now a cute little fawn was recently born in July, I’m in MA
There are deer that give late births, for a variety of reasons. This year we have 3 fawns that come through who were born in August/Sept. The Spring fawns almost look adult next to these, but the males all have the antler buttons at the same amount of growth, so I know they are all the same birth year. Late births happen, breeding & birthing seasons are the rule of thumb, but all rules have exceptions- just the same as human births; not all are a full 9 months, but 9 is the rule of thumb.
Your site is amazing! There is so much about deer, I had no idea about. There is currently a deer (doe, I believe) holding up in my neighbor’s backyard. She’s been there for at least 6 days. She doesn’t move around much, and I’m pretty sure she hasn’t left the yard (I check on her, from a distance, multiple times a day). She’s usually laying down, in one of two spots. I have seen her grazing every now and then, but not often, and I’m not sure there is much of a water source near her. She doesn’t appear to be physically injured in any way, and she’s very alert. It’s Winter here (rural Illinois), but our Winter hasn’t been as cold as normal. It hasn’t even been below 24 degrees since I discovered the deer. It has only snowed once since then, and we got was less than an inch of snow…
Why could she be staying there? It is a hidden spot, that’s not easy to get to for larger animals. She had to jump the fence to get back there, and when startled prepares to jump to escape. I haven’t seen her jump the fence, but I think it’s because she hasn’t had a reason to. No one knows she’s there, but my family and I. The home owner doesn’t even know, to my knowledge. She is the only deer back there, and we have a large population of deer around.
Should I call someone, or is this normal behavior?
Deer have gotten along fine for eons; it is best to just leave them alone. If you call the conservation department in your state, they will tell you the same thing.
If you think one deer hanging out in your backyard if odd, think of this: You are kind enough and and savvy enough to not run for the shotgun. Thank you.
We have a lot of deer come to graze on our sweet grass and the apple trees. I have never seen one give birth but a neighbor did. We are in the city limit so no one better not have a sighting on one of our deer. I love to watch them and their babies. Our town is full of woods and the deer feel safe here all year long. We do have some drivers who have hit them (so sad when it happens) but for the most part they are all safe. We do have a lot of gardens that have to be fenced along with the flower beds or else the plants look a lot like mine, frazzled and chewed on! I don’t care though as long as the deer are happy.
I have a beautiful family of deer on my property . our yard is open to deep woods and the deer lived on our land. we built a house taking out their space. the deer continued to come to our back yard. I am feeding them apples pears anf greens and deer food. is this a good idea ? I love my deer friends and feel i should give back to food i took from their land.
thank you for youe site, i welcome advice
Sandy, there is nothing wrong with feeding your deer, as long as they are foraging on the right food, not too much, and nothing that would attract disease and rats.
As a matter of fact, a lot of gardeners who cannot fence their beloved gardens actually plant “bait” gardens especially for deer. These gardens include plants the deer enjoy browsing on, with the goal of luring the deer away from the garden with the choice vegetables & flowers. These bait gardens are NOT for hunting, and in most areas it is illegal to bait deer into a garden for harvest.
I’ve planted a deer garden on the opposite side of my property from my gardens- where it’s easier for deer to move through the property, making my personal gardens unappealing, unsafe (human & dog scents), and mostly left alone. It is fun changing out plants to see what they will nibble vs. wipe out, with the goal of planting what they’ll forage on. If they eat everything vs browse, then the garden has failed & deer will be back into your prized garden. You can learn a lot more about these types of gardens via web searching “deer browsing gardens,” etc. Have fun!