If you live in an area with wild boars, you probably know they have a reputation for being dangerous. But do they really live up to this reputation? How dangerous are wild boars? What makes them so dangerous? And what can you do to prevent and survive wild boar attacks? Keep reading! In this article, we’ll answer all of these questions and more.
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How Dangerous are Wild Boars?
Wild boars do present many threats to humans, and they may be seen as one of the more dangerous prey animals in the wild. That said, are they really as dangerous as their reputation would suggest?
If a wild boar decides to attack you, then in that instance, yes; the boar is extremely dangerous. That said, most of the time, This attack won’t occur in the first place.
Yes, wild boars do attack people from time to time; but these attacks are pretty rare. Most of the time, wild boars are docile creatures that prefer to avoid conflict.
So, in a general sense, wild boars are not as dangerous as you may have been led to believe. Still, it’s best to behave cautiously around them and make sure never to provoke or threaten them.
As habitat loss pushes wild boars closer and closer to urban areas, encounters with humans are likely to continue increasing. So, if you ever see a wild boar, it’s important to remain calm and remember that, though the creature has the ability to hurt or even kill you, it is unlikely to do so.
In other words, give the animal the respect and space it deserves, and there’s a good chance it will leave you alone.
Why are Wild Boars Dangerous?
As noted, wild boars are typically more gentle than people realize; at the same time, we also acknowledged that they can be dangerous if they decide to attack.
If boars prefer to avoid conflict, then what makes them so dangerous?
The answer is simple: boars won’t pick fights, but if they feel threatened or backed into a corner, they will fight back. You can see a good example of this in the following video:
There are different species of wild boar and they come in many different sizes; but all of them are large and heavy.
Despite their massive size, wild boars are surprisingly fast. Imagine a giant package of ham-on-legs charging at you, outrunning you, and throwing all of its weight onto your helpless and much smaller body.
What’s more, adult hogs have sharp tusks which they can use to gore any potential threat. The males especially have particularly large tusks that can cause significant damage to internal organs and may lead to fatal blood loss.
Finally, many wild boars carry diseases such as tuberculosis, brucellosis, and hepatitis. If they bite you, these diseases can be passed into your bloodstream.
How Big are Wild Boars?
As mentioned above, the size of wild boars can vary depending on their species. Males also tend to be larger and heavier than females.
Some species range between 75 and 250 pounds. Others may be as large as 300 pounds, and still others may grow as heavy as 600 to 700 pounds!
Their height and length also varies by species, but most stand about 30 inches tall and 3 to 4 feet long.
Again, you don’t want to upset these gentle giants because they are anything but defenseless. You wouldn’t want to find yourself on the business end of sharp tusks wielded by a 600-pound pig!
How to Prevent a Wild Boar Attack
Again, wild boars tend to leave people alone unless they feel threatened or cornered. So, the best way to prevent a wild boar attack is to simply give these creatures their space.
If you come across a wild boar, don’t get any closer. In fact, it would be best to begin backing away slowly, keeping your eyes on the beast and avoiding sudden movements.
Wild boars don’t have great eyesight, so unless you get way too close, it might not even be aware of your presence. Even if it sees you, it probably won’t decide to attack unless it thinks you are a threat to itself or its young.
Wild boars most often attack hunters who are attempting to kill them. If you are hunting wild boars, try to do so from a safe distance or an elevated position where the boar will not be able to reach you.
How to Survive a Wild Boar Attack
Even when you’re attempting to be smart and keep your distance, wild boar attacks can happen. You may not see the boar until it’s too late, for example, or the boar may be fleeing from another threat and you just happened to be caught in its path.
If you see a wild boar charging in your direction, don’t wait around to determine if it wants to attack you. Get out of its way!
If there is a tree, boulder, or manmade structure that you can reach in time, climb this structure. Wild boars are short and can’t climb; if you can reach a height of 5 feet off the ground, you should be safe.
If there is nothing for you to climb, stay calm. Face the boar and attempt to back out of the way.
Try sidestepping it before it reaches you. Even if it makes contact with you, do your best to stay on your feet–it can do a lot more damage once it has you on the ground.
If you can’t get out of its way and it continues to attack, do whatever it takes to fight back. Use your hands, sticks, rocks, a pocket knife, or a gun to fend off the boar.
Once the attack has ended, call for help and get to a hospital as soon as possible. Injuries from a boar will require medical treatment to avoid infection and prevent further blood loss.
Though they are typically docile, wild boars have the potential to be extremely dangerous. They are strong and heavy, equipped with sharp tusks, and will fight back if they feel threatened by your presence. To prevent an attack, give these animals plenty of space and try to avoid provoking them.