

how long do alligators can stay underwater

How Long Can Alligators Stay Underwater?

If you’re at all familiar with alligators, then you probably know they spend much of their lives in water. This may have led you to ask some questions: how long can alligators stay underwater? Can they breathe in the water, or do they have to hold their breath when submerged? Do alligators sleep in the … Read more

Komodo Dragon vs. Crocodile: Side By Side Comparison

Alligator Vs. Crocodile: Who Would Win?

You may have seen pictures or videos of alligators and crocodiles, and perhaps you thought they were the same type of animal. The truth is, though they are both crocodilian reptiles, they have many differences. What are the differences, you may ask? Which one is bigger, stronger, more dangerous? In a fight of alligator vs. … Read more


How To Run Away From An Alligator On Land?

Alligators spend much of their time swimming around in shallow water, but they also enjoy lounging on the shore. What should you do if an alligator begins approaching you as you are walking by? Keep reading! In this article, we’ll talk about how to run away from an alligator on land. Are Alligators Friendly? Alligators … Read more


How To Survive An Alligator Attack In The Water?

Alligators are powerful, fearsome creatures–so what should you do if you suddenly find them sharing the waters at your favorite swimming hole? In this article, we’ll talk about how to survive an alligator attack in the water, as well as ways to avoid being attacked in the first place. How to Spot an Alligator in … Read more


What Do Alligators Eat {Explained!}

You’re probably familiar with alligators and their rows of sharp teeth. With such large mouths, you figure they can probably eat a lot of different types of food. But just what do alligators eat, exactly? What are their favorite foods, and how often do they typically eat? Do they ever attack and eat humans? Keep … Read more

How Do You Identify a Sparrow

Wren Vs Sparrow: Side By Side

If you’ve ever observed small, brownish birds hopping around your yard, grazing for seeds or insects, you may have called them sparrows without actually being sure of their proper identification. The truth is, there are many small brown birds, such as wrens, that look similar to sparrows. But wrens and sparrows are not the same; … Read more

how many eggs does a house wren lay

How Many Eggs Does A House Wren Lay?

So, you set up a nesting box and had a pair of wrens move in. Now you’re curious how many babies will soon be joining the family. How many eggs does a house wren lay? What do these eggs look like, and how long will it take them to hatch? Keep reading! In this article, … Read more

what direction should wren house face

Where To Hang A Wren House?

If you’re hoping to attract nesting birds to your yard, then wrens are a good choice. These energetic little songbirds are not afraid of people, and they take well to nesting boxes. In this article, we’ll talk about where to hang a wren house and how to attract families of wrens to it year after … Read more

do wrens abandon their babies

Do Wrens Abandon Their Babies?

You’ve probably heard that birds will abandon their nests if you get too close and they can smell your scent in the area. But is this true of all birds? What about wrens? Do wrens ever abandon their babies, and if so, why? Keep reading! In this article, we’ll answer these questions and more. Why … Read more

do wrens roost at night

Wren Nesting Habits {Explained!}

Wrens are bubbly, energetic little birds known for their trilling chirp. In fact, if you have nesting boxes in your yard, you may already be familiar with wrens because they like to build their nests in these boxes. So you may be wondering, what are some other wren nesting habits? What time of year do … Read more

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Chicago, IL 60637


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